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Setup for the markets starts at 8:30 am. Market is open from 10 am -  2 pm. You must supply your own table and chairs and you can bring an awning/umbrella of some sort to protect against the sun. There is some shade, but we can't guarantee everyone will have shade the entire time. You will be assigned a spot when you arrive at the market. There is no charge for your spot but if you are able, we do accept donations. The week before each market we will send out Facebook posts letting everyone know what vendors will be there. You are encouraged to send out your own. We are still deciding what the proceeds from this year's markets will go to. In the past, we have had trouble with vendors not participating in the markets they signed up for. We understand that things come up but it is also a disappointment for our customers and us when a vendor that we have promoted is not there when we said they would be. So, to provide an incentive for vendors to come on the days they sign up for, each vendor's name will be entered in to a drawing for a $25 cash prize to be drawn near the end of the market.

We have never cancelled a market, yet, because of weather but we would make the decision the morning of the market. 

To register for a spot at our market, please send your name, phone number, E-Mail address, types of products you sell and the market dates you want to participate in. And of course, send any questions you may have.